Pay after Placemnt (PAP)

Pay after Placemnt (PAP)

Financial Aid

Finance will not hinder your dream of a career because Bridgeon’s Pay after Placement option is there for you.


The Pay after Placement (PAP) programme


Eligibility for PAP

Dedication is the only eligibility you need to avail the pay after placement option.

Interns are selected for PAP on basis of their performance in the foundation course. If you secure an overall score of 7.5 out of 10 in the course assessment and exhibit professional conduct during that period, you will be selected for the PAP program


Benefits of PAP

  • Interns in PAP program are not required to pay any tuition fee until they secure a placement.
  • You can complete the course without any financial stress
  • You can pay the course fee in installments or as lump sum within 8 months of securing a placement.

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    KINFRA Techno Industrial Park, Kakkanchery, Malappuram - 673535
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    Spunic Business Park, Manjeri, Malappuram- 676121